
Course Description

In this online class, we will explore and discuss the historical context for four present-day revolutions:  globalization, technology, identity, and geopolitics. We will also focus on how America has arrived at this juncture in our history.  Inspiration and recommended readings for our discussion are Age of Revolutions: Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present (2024) by Fareed Zakaria and Democracy Awakening:  Notes on the State of America (2023) by Heather Cox Richardson.

Paul Dolliver earned degrees in History and Geology from Baylor University.  He has also pursued graduate studies in the History of Science at Harvard University.  He is a geologist, college instructor, reader, walker, and Texas Master Naturalist.  Paul has been involved with SAIL for several years and has facilitated discussion groups for over 30 years.  He currently teaches Oceanography at Collin College.

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Section Title
Discussing Revolution & Democracy (Online)
12:00PM to 1:00PM
Oct 03, 2024
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Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $0.00 Click here to get more information
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