
Course Description

Traditional accounts of the American Revolution focus on battles, influential men and politicians. Yet figures like George Washington, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson were just a tiny fraction of the people who fought for or against independence. But what was that 8-year war like for soldiers, sailors, farmers, midwives and shopkeepers and for all of the other women and men of various ethnicities on whom the success or failure of the revolution rested?  This course will focus on these special people.

Herbert Weinstein, Ph.D. received his B.S. from Tufts University and a Ph.D and  Sloan Postdoctoral Fellowship at Princeton University in Chemical Engineering.  After a 32-year career in industry and as a private consultant doing oilfield research, adjunct teaching at colleges and private tutoring, he chose to enter secondary education.  Herb has taught math at all levels and fundamentals of computer programming at Yavneh Academy, The Hockaday School and Parish Episcopal School and is now retired after 13 years of secondary education.

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Section Title
Ordinary Americans in the Revolution (Online)
11:00AM to 12:45PM
Oct 08, 2024 to Oct 29, 2024
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $0.00 Click here to get more information
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