
Course Description

"The History of Organized Crime" is an account of the criminal underworld in the United States. Starting in the mid-nineteenth century through the post World War II era, the class places organized crime in the broader context of American history, emphasizing the processes of immigration and urbanization, poverty and working-class studies, and political culture in American history.

Ryan Pettengill, Ph.D., earned a Doctor of Philosophy in American history from Michigan State University in 2009.  In 2021, Dr. Pettengill began teaching at the Wylie campus with Collin College.  His scholarship and research interest are based in the history of labor and working-class activism and his most recent book examines community-based activism in Detroit throughout the 1940’s and 1950’s.  Dr. Pettengill’s current research project involves the modern labor movement’s involvement in human rights.  He resides in the area where he and his wife are raising two wonderful children.

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Section Title
The History of Organized Crime - Part II (Online)
1:30PM to 3:00PM
Nov 06, 2024 to Nov 20, 2024
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $0.00 Click here to get more information
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