
Course Description

Energy is one of the most important things needed by humans and the demand for this is greatly increasing with time, global population and affluence.  Discussions in this class will include:

The original energy that started the Big Bang and how it went on to form our entire universe.  Types of energy and power – including natural (solar, wind, water, geothermal); fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and nuclear fission.  The history, pros / cons, environmental impacts and risks of each.  How long could each last and which can be increased?  The impact on society if adequate energy/power is not available.  What are potential future new energy options (such as nuclear fusion, ocean currents, tides, waves and winds).

Jack Ferguson has a degree in Chemical Engineering and Environmental Science.  He attended Nuclear Power School and served in the U.S. Navy.  Jack retired from the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (Enforcement and Permitting programs).  He taught as an Adjunct Faculty at Collin College for several years.  He has volunteered with the Red Cross in national disaster operations and volunteered and taught courses in Astronomy and Energy at the Perot Museum in Dallas.

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Section Title
Energy and Power for Humans
10:00AM to 11:30AM
Nov 05, 2024 to Nov 26, 2024
Schedule and Location
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Course Fee(s)
Course Fee non-credit $0.00 Click here to get more information
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