
Course Description

Basic media materials and techniques used for painting will be introduced. The instructor will give class demonstrations and individual instruction. Painting skills, visual expression and personal style are encouraged through observation, analyzation, and application. This course is designed to provide instruction for the beginning to the advanced student. Choose one media only: oil, acrylics or water-based oils.

Learner Outcomes

Students will learn the basic painting materials such as paints, brushes, mediums, and surfaces. Discuss the qualities of the different paints and how they are used to create various effects, from smooth and translucent to thick and textural. Also, review the basics of composition, color mixing, and how oil and acrylic can be used together. To develop classical instruction for the beginning student and to create a strong understanding of the foundation of painting. 


Required Art Supplies:

  • 6 canvas boards or canvases: 9”x 12”, or 12”x16” or desired size 
  • Canvas pads for exercises 
  • Rags or paper towels 
  • Trowel style palette knife-small 
  • Flat Palette-disposable or your favorite 
  • Pencil and eraser 
  • Box/container for supplies 

Recommended Brushes: 

  • A packaged set is fine.
  • Or:  2” flat 
  • Various flat or filbert brushes 
  • Various round brushes 
  • Very small round liner brush 

Paint Colors: (see instructor notes) 

  • Titanium or Zinc white-large tube 
  • Black 
  • Burnt Sienna 
  • Burnt Umber 
  • Cool Blue-Phthalo Blue or Cerulean 
  • Warm Blue-Ultramarine Blue 
  • Cool Yellow-Cadmium Yellow (lemon or light) 
  • Warm Yellow-Cadmium Yellow Medium or Hansa 
  • Warm Red- Cadmium Red Medium 
  • Cool Red- Alizarin Crimson or Permanent Rose 

Oil/Water based Oils 

  • Linseed/Stand/ or Walnut Oil 2.5 oz 
  • Drying Medium-Liquin/Damar/or Gamblin  
  • Brush washing container, glass, or steel 
  • Odorless turpentine or Mineral Spirits (Traditional Oils only) 
  • Moulding/Modeling Paste 


  • Matte or gloss polymer medium 
  • Acrylic retarder/extender 
  • Moulding/Modeling Paste 
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